Aaron Sumner

Sound Refound is an online gallery of promotional flyers for concerts. I've collected these over the years, primarily in the Lawrence, Kansas, and Seattle, Washington areas.
Everyday Rails RSpec Snippets is a collection of snippets to speed up and simplify writing tests in Visual Studio Code, as taught in my Rails testing book. I use these snippets every day to speed up my test-driven development!
Next projects coming soon. Honestly, I don't know right now. But you should probably subscribe to my newsletter to see what happens, or follow me on Mastodon or LinkedIn. Thank you!

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I'm Aaron Sumner: Hackity-hack woodworker, low-and-slow cooker, tiny-scale gardener, Jayhawk, run/walk/runner, and cat herder, currently residing in Saint Louis, Missouri, USA. Also: A former league bowler and Olympic speed walker.

Sometimes I write software in my role as an Associate Software Engineering Manager at O’Reilly Media. Some of the other times I write about writing software as an independent technical author at Everyday Rails.

Previous stops include Astoria, Oregon; Lawrence, Kansas; Seattle, Washington; and Jersey County, Illinois.

All of the above statements are true.