Aaron Sumner

Recap of Sir Ken Robinson's talk in Omaha

I’m back after a weekend flurry of travels that saw me in five states in two days. (OK, four days in all, but I hit them all in the first two.) Sir Ken Robinson’s talk at the Kaneko in Omaha kicked off my long weekend, and I’d like to share a few things about it now.

I was lucky enough to be able to take part in an early session with Sir Ken, exclusive to area educators. He made a few points in this session that he repeated at the main event, so I’m able to remember them better, but in some cases I don’t recall when he shared a particular nugget. These highlights are thus pulled from both sessions and are in no particular order:

There was much more, but it’s starting to get fuzzy in my head without some prompting. Perhaps after I start reading The Element I’ll remember some more. As an aside, I really need to get up to Omaha more. I always forget that it’s only a few hours away and is a very nice town. And the Kaneko looks to be shaping up to be a wonderful resource to nurture all kind of creativity there. Thanks to the staff there for putting together a wonderful event, well worth my drive.

. Questions or comments? Let me know what you think.