Aaron Sumner

SXSW Interactive 2009 Day Two Takeaways: Designing the Future of the NY Times

This one was a dud, I’m sad to say. During Designing the Future of the New York Times, Tom Bodkin and Khoi Vinh showed off their respective work in print and online (again, respectively) and then debated which one was better. The only real takeaways are that:

  1. Content should be platform-agnostic: Print, web, e-readers, mobile phones, etc.
  2. "The need for quality journalism has never been higher." (As opposed to citizen journalism.)
  3. They use micro-sites for in-depth stories. This made me think of things we could do with our project-specific sites, to tell meaningful stories to funders as opposed to regurgitating content to them, but with a different theme/template/skin.
. Questions or comments? Let me know what you think.