Aaron Sumner

Slides for my Friday presentation at SIDLIT: An intro to web application frameworks

As I’ve mentioned repeatedly, I’ll be presenting at this year’s SIDLIT ed tech conference in the Kansas City area. My topic is an introduction to the merits of web application frameworks. Here are my slides–note that they cover only part of the talk; the remainder will be a live demonstration of building a basic web app using Ruby on Rails.

Quick Application Development with Web Frameworks

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If you’ve got experience with web frameworks there won’t really be anything new for you here, but I welcome your feedback. If you want to know more, but can’t make it to my talk, these slides alone probably won’t suffice–but I recommend checking out any of the “build a blog in 15 minutes”-type videos that seem to be out there for just about any framework you might be interested in.

Hope to see you on Friday!

. Questions or comments? Let me know what you think.