Aaron Sumner

Announcing the Project a Month Project

Last month I made a deal with myself. Instead of letting little projects and ideas pile up I’d commit to knocking one of them off per month. I call this initiative the Project a Month Project. The goal is to get a minimum viable product out the door by the end of the month. November’s entry was a little late due to holidays and a decision to scrap it and start over with a couple of days left in the month, but it’s out the door. You can read about Sound Refound in a separate post.

I’m not interested in announcing up-front what each month’s project will be. Sometimes it will be code, sometimes not. I reserve the right to build a piece of furniture or plant a garden or write a poem on any given month. At the end of the month, though, I’ll reveal and detail what I’ve been up to.

That’s my plan. How do you keep your stream of ideas from building up?

. Questions or comments? Let me know what you think.