Aaron Sumner

3 picks for January 24, 2014

iPad mini with Retina Display

I upgraded to a new iPad last weekend. Of the three iPads I’ve owned and/or used on a regular basis (including a first-generation bought on day one), this one’s my favorite. The size is perfect–I always felt like the 9-inch model was a little too large to just carry around.

1Password for iOS

I’ve been meaning to mention this for awhile now: As handy as 1Password is on the desktop, it’s even more invaluable in mobile form. The killer feature is the built-in browser: Just locate the site/password combo you want to use, tap the link, and you’re off and running. I’m sure the new built-in password manager in iOS 7 does this as well, but 1Password has been making it simple to keep tough-to-crack passwords for years now–and I’m more than happy to continue to give my business to AgileBits.

JavaScript the Right Way

A few weeks ago I made a note to myself to “research the state of JavaScript in 2014.” As it turns out, I’ve got a great starting point in JavaScript the Right Way, a single-page rundown of best practices, current frameworks, who’s who, patterns, testing, and reading. I really like this format in general–a great way to start understanding a language’s community and ecosystem.

. Questions or comments? Let me know what you think.