Aaron Sumner

3 picks for January 3, 2014

Stuff You Should Know podcast

I drive back and forth between Kansas and Illinois a lot, and usually pass the time listening to podcasts. I added Stuff You Should Know last fall, but since I never got around to categorizing it in a playlist I tended to overlook it and the episodes piled up. As a result, I’ve got a heavy backlog on my phone. I wound up listening to it, almost exclusively, during my eleven hours on the road earlier this week. Each episode focuses on a different topic—usually not something I would have gone out of my way to learn more about in the first place, but interesting and enlightening all the same.

The Personal MBA: Mastering the Art of Business

I’m reading this now. It’s a nice synthesis of countless other business resources, collected into one very readable book (structured like a Seth Godin book, if that helps you picture it). I checked it out from the library but may wind up buying my own copy for future reference.

Biemer’s BBQ

One of a small handful of favorite places of mine in Lawrence. Best BBQ in town and among the best I’ve had in the state (though Oklahoma Joe’s is tough to beat). Go there on your birthday and eat for free.

. Questions or comments? Let me know what you think.