Ongoing list of nicknames for Amber, a cat
- Amber
- Amberkin Skywalker
- Amburglar
- Princess Awesome (the joke: What would your pet name itself if given the opportunity)
- White cat in an ill-fitting orange cat suit
- Stripes
- Socks
- Flicker
- Beanie Baby
- The Bean
- Beans
- Stinkbean
- Amber the Bean, Stinky but Clean
- Coconut
- Coconut Butt
Updates: January 17, 2014
Forgot about a few:
- Pinky Tescadero
- Stinky Tescadero
- Funky Stinkerbean (I sense a theme)
- Li’l Tuffy
Updates: January 18, 2014
I can’t believe I forgot these names I use all the time:
- Potato/Poh-tah-toe
- Sweet Potato
- Itty Bitty (Pretty)