Aaron Sumner

Recent writing elsewhere

As you may know, I’ve written a couple of posts for the O’Reilly Media Programming Blog since I started working there:

I’ve still got the Everyday Rails blog and indie media empire rolling along, too. I don’t write there as much as I should, but last month I wrote a quick post admiring a Ruby Tapas episode on outside-in testing. Afterward, Avdi was cool enough to make the episode in question available for streaming from my post. If you’re interested in learning more about this type of testing in Ruby, please check it out–not for my content as much as his. Then subscribe to Ruby Tapas.

Finally, a couple of small updates to share on Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec: First, I’ve made the Rails 3.2 edition of the book available as a free download when you purchase the current version. I’m not sure how popular this will be, but I’ve gotten a few requests for it and it’s easier to provide this way than pass along a zip file on my own. I thought about selling it as its own product for a couple of bucks, but decided to just provide it as-is instead of having to support a legacy codebase. There have also been a couple of rounds of updates to the book lately–both minor–but if you downloaded awhile back and would like to get your hands on a newer, better version of the book, head over to Leanpub and grab the current version. It’s free to everyone who’s purchased it, ever.

Finally-finally, I’ve been reading more than writing of late. I started keeping a reading list on this site; please check it out when you have a chance. I’m including Twitter-sized reviews as I get the chance.

. Questions or comments? Let me know what you think.