Aaron Sumner

Rock Chalk Nation gets a reboot

A couple of years ago I threw together a little feed aggregator to collect Kansas Jayhawk-related sports headlines into one place. I used a domain name I’d owned for years, a free WordPress theme, and a couple of WP plugins to slap everything together in less than an hour.

Fast-forward to the very last day of 2014. I’m in the middle of migrating hosting providers, and as part of that I don’t want to maintain any more PHP-based sites. In order to keep the site going, I’d have to either find an alternate hosting solution or rewrite it. I chose the latter.

I’d been thinking about a rewrite anyway, if for no other reason than to have more control over the app than I’d get by hacking around on WordPress. In particular, I always wanted the headlines to be more of a daily listing, and not look like a blog. Also, WordPress.

I started messing around with it a couple of weeks ago, and officially switched DNS over a little while ago. Rock Chalk Nation, the reboot, is live!

It’s got a few issues that I already know about, so don’t feel like you need to report them:

A few things I learned along the way:

I’m not sure who still looks at the site besides me, as I’m too lazy to dig through the visitor data, but maybe you’ll find this useful.

. Questions or comments? Let me know what you think.