Upcoming presentations (spring 2016)
I’m scheduled to make a couple of presentations at area meetups in the next few months:
Wrapping APIs
A few months back, I did some work with the Slack API to do custom data exports. I’ll share my thought process and tools used at Lawrence Coders on Wednesday, March 23. The tools are in Ruby, but the concepts are general enough that they should apply to most other programming languages.
Game development in Ruby for fun (not profit) (working title)
Come to KC Ruby in June (date to be determined) learn about my foray into Gosu, a Ruby library for creating 2D video games. I’ll talk about why I became interested in game development, what I learned, and give everyone a chance to play the awesome adequate game I tinkered with in the process. Again, I’ll be showing Ruby-specific tools, but don’t let that stop you from joining us if you speak other languages.