Aaron Sumner

May 2019 update

Astoria sunset

A year ago around this time, I was driving my 1998 Ford F-150 across the Rockies to resettle from Lawrence, Kansas to Astoria, Oregon. I’ve gotten the lay of the land since then–I know the good places to eat, the good places to run. I haven’t replaced my truck yet, though I’ve openly flirted with the new Ford Ranger.

The weather hasn’t been quite as glorious as it was for, oh, my first five months here in 2018. We had a mild winter, but as we approach June, it still feels like early spring–overcast skies, more days with rain than not. It’ll turn around, though, and I’m looking forward to exploring more of Astoria, Clatsop county, and the Oregon coast in the coming months.

For now, a few items you may have missed before (because I didn’t do much to publicize them):

. Questions or comments? Let me know what you think.